Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Response: "Why I'll Never Tell My Son He's Smart"

     The information presented in this video and article has given me a new understanding of what it means to teach in a classroom with educational equality. In the past, I have wondered what effective ways there are to engage struggling children in the classroom and encourage them to never give up. It seems like so many times in our schools we praise students only for being naturally smart or doing well in a particular subject or test, and we miss the big picture. Students who do not test well or simply have a more difficult time understanding particular subjects or concepts may feel inferior to others in their class, and that is not promoting a positive learning environment.

     I can most certainly use the information and tactics I have learned in this article in my classroom. As a science teacher, we could begin the school year with a lesson on the fact that your brain is a muscle, and with use it grows and develops. I could then explain to my students why failing at something is actually a wonderful thing, as long as you learn from your mistakes and continue to push through until you find the correct answer. I would hope that I could create an environment where students are encouraged to work outside of their comfort zones and try things that they do not have a natural affinity for or do not fully understand. I will work to create this environment by stating, up front, that this classroom is a place of learning and that learning does not come without mistakes. We will celebrate mistakes and as a class learn how to correct them and learn from them. I will highlight my mistakes for the class to see, because I know that I will make more than my fair share and they need to know that that is ok.

    In my classroom I hope to create an environment where all students feel comfortable to try new things and never feel like they are any less than another student. I will do my best to show all students that they truly matter and are capable of doing absolutely anything they put their mind to. We will celebrate the fact that we have the opportunity to learn, and acknowledge when answers come easily and when difficulties are overcome to find new information.


  1. Hey Olivia! I love how you talk about being a future teacher in this blog! You really took this video and made your own interpretation of it and put yourself into it. I like how you want to create a comfortable environment where students want to learn and try new things. I like how you use the word "celebrate" when you want to praise a student. You have some great ideas on how to make your students feel comfortable and at home.

  2. I love how you incorporated this video into a classroom situation! I desire to be the nurturing teacher that students can feel comfortable and confide in, and I feel as though you feel that way too! It can be difficult at times, but this video and your notes gave me a better understanding of how to accomplish this goal.
