Thursday, November 20, 2014


Final Project - Blogfolio

Introduction Video
            This introduction video assignment was very helpful and informative because it was my first instruction on how to make a blog. I learned how to set up a blog and create entries, as well as upload videos to accompany my blog posts. I really had no problems creating the blog or uploading the video. I watched one of my classmates who had previously uploaded a video to her blog, and followed her steps with no trouble.
            I really think that blogging is a valuable skill, and I know that I will use it in my future classroom. I think that blogging is a great way for teachers to share their ideas and discover new tactics for teaching their class. When teachers share their daily lessons on their blog they can share what worked and what didn't work, which can help teachers searching for new ideas sort through the good and bad. I plan to keep a blog of my adventures as a teacher, for myself, other teachers, and maybe the guardians of my students. It would be good to be able to look back on the year, and give the caregivers of my students an insight into our classroom.
            This introduction video meets the first NETS-T standard, which is to “facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.”  In order to meet this standard, the teacher must “facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.” This was done by first allowing the students to create a blog where they would share their own thoughts and projects, and secondly by having the students create the videos with partners. This gave them face-to-face interactions with other students, and allowed them to try out and share ideas to make their video their own.

Concept Map
            I learned a lot from the concept map assignment, but most specifically how to use Inspiration. This assignment came at the perfect time, because we had just learned how to make a proper concept map in one of our other classes. However, the only method they showed us was using a poster board. This lesson gave me an opportunity to practice my skills in making concept maps, but it also showed me a different and more effective way to use concept maps. Using hyperlinks, I learned how to make my lesson more interactive and integrate technology in my classroom.
            The only real trouble I had with this assignment was figuring out some of the editing strategies, such as changing the shape and configuration. After asking my classmate for assistance, however, I was able to figure out the program rather easily.
            I definitely plan to use this concept map method in my future classroom to present my students with organized facts about my lesson. I think that it will help them sort through facts and develop a clearer understanding of the material. Using the concept map will also help me to stay on track when teaching my lesson, and give me a place to store all supplementary videos, pictures, and other web materials that I will need as I teach.
            This concept map activity met the NETS-T standard of “designing and developing digital age learning experiences and assessments. In order to meet this standard, teachers must “design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences…incorporating contemporary tools and resources.” Having us create our own concept map from scratch really showed us how to design and develop a classroom lesson that uses modern technology.

Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues –
            This assignment showed me that as educators and future educators we need to be doing more in our classrooms to encourage all students to succeed in using technology. I had no idea that there was still such a gender gap in regards to technology in our country. I learned that as a teacher I need to stimulate female students’ interest in technology by using it to teach all subjects, not just math and science, as females general succeed more in other subjects. I can also teach students about famous females in the technology field and invite female guest speakers into the classroom to show my female students that they have the same opportunities as males, and that they can do anything they want to.
            I also learned a lot about plagiarism. As I wrote the second draft of my essay, it took a lot of concentration to make sure that I didn't plagiarize anything. Surprisingly I was able to do this with little to no trouble as revealed that I had 0% plagiarism, but it took a lot of effort to achieve this score. This assignment made me realize how easy it is to plagiarize and how often I probably plagiarize without even knowing or thinking about it. As a teacher I could use an assignment like this to teach students about plagiarism and explain the dangers of it. It will also be helpful for me to remember this assignment to prevent plagiarism in my own work.
            This assignment met the 4th NETS-T standard: “promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility” by showing us how to follow plagiarism laws and learn to write an ethically sound paper. This standard involves modeling and teaching “legal and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright,” and we learned how to do this in our assignment by turning a paper into so that we could see what qualifies as plagiarism, so that we can teach our students and remind ourselves of how to submit original work that gives proper credit where it is due.

            I think this assignment was one of the most helpful of all of our classroom assignments because we learned how to actually create a classroom website. In this day and age, a classroom website seems like one of the most practical ways to keep parents and students informed about what is going on the classroom. Through this assignment I learned how to create a Google calendar to help students keep up with homework, and was able to import pictures to make my website more appealing. I learned the important things to include in a classroom website, such as announcements, homework, supply lists, and contact information. The one thing that I had the most trouble with on the assignment was creating an email link on webpage. To remedy this problem, I used Google to search for the correct way to create an email link and was able to find instructions and fix my problem.
            This lesson will play a role in my future classroom because I fully intend to establish a classroom website when I begin teaching. I plan to use the Google websites because they are free and professional, and now I understand how to navigate the site. I think the best things I learned to include on my classroom website were the supplementary educational videos, websites, and games. In my classroom I will have students performing on all different levels, and trying to incorporate everyone into the lesson will be difficult. However, these links will provide students and their guardians with a way to practice and learn at home to even the playing field.
            Having us create our own classroom website meets NETS-T standard 3: “model digital age, work, and learning.” To do this, teachers must “demonstrate fluency in technological systems and collaborate….using digital tools.” This website meets all of these qualifications because in order to create a website, the teacher must be well-versed in the technology. This website also provides an outlet for communication between the guardians, students, and teacher.

            The movie assignment was one of my favorites. I have had experience with Movie Maker, so I did not really have any problems with the assignment, except for completing it within the allotted time. I did not really learn any new skills during this project except for how to upload photos to Dropbox and retrieve them. However, I had to follow the directions very carefully and remember how to use the program, and in doing so I was able to think about and learn ways to effectively explain to students how to make their own movie.
            I don’t know if I would actually use this method for teaching in my classroom, but I think it would be a great way for students to do projects. We recently learned about a strategy for teaching reading comprehension, where students create a “movie trailer” to advertise one of their classroom books. I think making a movie using this program would be a wonderful and simplistic way to do this. Students could also use this for other projects in the classroom, such as oral reports, and of course we could make an end of the year class video.
            This video did a wonderful job of meeting NETS-T standard one, which is: “facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.” We learned how to use new technology to create a video, but were allowed a lot of leeway when it came to the design of our video. This project let us express our creativity through our designs, pictures, and music.

Google Assignment
            The Google Groups assignment was probably the most helpful, because I have had no experience using Google Groups. I learned a lot, including: how to set up a Google Group as an administrator and add people to that group, how to share and write Google Docs, and how to share and create a Google Slide Show.
            Once I figured out how to work Google Docs and the Google Slides I had no trouble because it is very similar to Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, which I have had a lot of experience with. I did have difficulty navigating from the Google Group homepage to the docs and slides, but I asked a classmate for assistance and they were able to help me. It was also a little difficult to complete assignments with others in my group because we weren't physically working together and had to rely on email communication to ensure that we all completed the assignment. It was slightly problematic when group members were late turning their work in because it affected the entire group, but, at the same time it was nice to have everyone’s work in one place for everyone to edit.
            I think using Google Docs and Slides would be great to use as a teacher both in my classroom and for collaboration with other teachers. I can share lesson plans and other documents, as well as slide shows with classroom information/lessons with the other teachers in my grade. Students could also use it to complete group projects, similarly to what we did in this class.
            The Google assignment me the NETS-T standard of: “engaging in professional growth and leadership.” In order to meet this standard, teachers must “collaborate with parents, peers, and students using digital tools.” This Google assignment was the perfect match for this standard because we had to learn how to collaborate with one another and complete assignments together without the benefit of face-to-face contact.

Web Tools
            I learned so much from this assignment. I never knew which sites teachers go to create tests or rubrics, or how easy it could be. I learned how to create these tests and rubrics, and learned about the many different forms of rubrics that teachers can use depending on their subject area and lesson. The most interesting part however, was the track program. Similar to how we included supplementary websites on our classroom websites, this track program keeps all educational websites in one place for students and educators. I learned how to organize these websites by type and how to share my track with others using each track’s specific number.
            The only problems I encountered with this assignment were in regards to posting it on the blog and deciding which websites to include. The instructions weren’t very detailed, and I found myself questioning if what I included in my assignment was what my professor wanted. To remedy this problem, I again collaborated with other students in the class to develop a game plan and come to a common conclusion about how to go about this assignment.
            As I teacher I know that I will use the information and skills from this assignment on at least a weekly basis. I have learned how important it is to use a detailed rubric for each of my lessons to ensure that students are meeting the standards and learning the information they need to. This program will help me create rubrics quickly and give me ideas when I am having difficulty. I will also use the test creator, though probably not as often as the others because I may not be in a situation in which students can take computerized tests on a regular basis. I would use the track program to create a place for supplementary websites, and maybe even collaborate with my students’ computer teacher to allow them to go to these websites when they have free time in computer class.
            This assignment meets the 2nd NETS-T standard: “design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments” because it incorporates current digital technology, and teaches us ways to incorporate it into our students’ learning through things like computerized tests and educational games videos.

Class Reflection
            This class has taught me many valuable things about incorporating technology into my classroom, using technology effectively in the work place, and using technology to help students learn and express their creativity. Before this class, I was very skeptical about using technology as a major medium of learning in an elementary school classroom, but now I can see how it can be beneficial. I have learned that elementary students are able to grasp onto ideas regarding technology relatively quickly and that as teachers we need to provide them with the opportunity to do this in the classroom to help them keep up with the ever technologically advancing world they live in. I have learned how to operate many new computer programs that I have continued to use even outside of class, such as Dropbox and Google docs. I have also learned how to operate
            One of my weaknesses would be the speed at which I can figure out and use new-to-me technology. I found myself falling behind in the classroom many times because I could not keep up with the instructor’s directions. I also have a great weakness when it comes to understanding the technical side of technology. With a little practice I can usually figure out how to make a concept map or movie, but I am lacking in understanding when it comes to computer vocabulary and internet security. I think this lack of understanding can be attributed to the fact that I have not had a computer education course that addresses computer safety or what goes on behind the scenes to make computer programs work; we only learn how to operate the program. For this reason, I feel that one of my strengths is picking up new skills quickly and navigating my way around a computer program until I figure it out. I have simply had a lot of practice with this aspect of technology and it comes more naturally to me.  I also have not had a lot of experience planning lessons that incorporate technology, nor do I have an extensive knowledge of the applications and programs available to teach students through technology. This class has given me some ideas, and I plan to continue exploring educational software until I find programs that work in my classroom. I can do this through something as simple as a Google search or by perusing apps like Kids Media. I definitely plan to investigate more about Internet security because this class has really brought to life how easily my computer can be hacked without the proper protection. I will look into what information is appropriate to give online, as well as different anti-virus software to ensure that I am protected.
            I plan to integrate technology into my classroom in many different ways. I can begin the process by simply allowing the students to spend time on the computer. Giving online tests, requiring internet research for assignments, and creating projects with Movie Maker will give students much needed practice in operating computers. If my school has the budget for it, I would love to use iPads in my classroom. In this day and age there are great opportunities for students to learn from apps and advanced software such as Google Earth. As the teacher, I have to make sure that I am setting a good example, and this can be done by using my Smart Board to its full capabilities, using supplementary videos in my lessons, and even using technology like Skype to go on virtual field trips and talk to people around the world.
            Another way to integrate technology into my classroom is through blogs. I think blogs are excellent tools for both the classroom teacher and students. I like the practicality of making blogs and the fact that they can be shared between teachers to share information and ideas to enhance students’ learning. Blogs can also be used in the classroom for subjects like English or reading, where students need to write responses to books or papers, but they can also be used in History when teachers have students keep a blog under the name of a historical figure. Blogs are also a great way for students to critique other students’ work. The comment section allows students to make suggested changes to students’ papers that are submitted via blog.
NETS-T Standards

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Blog Response: Guide to Creating Tech-Friendly Classroom Management Strategies

Technology has truly revamped education, and as teachers it is our responsibility to get students excited aobut using technology for things other than entertainment. There are few strategies to help do this:

1.Do your homeowork

Incorporating technology takes alot of planning, from finding websites, to making sure the computers are equipped with the proper soft ware, and having back up plans incase of technology problems.

2. Identify Learning Goals

It is important to have specific objectives when using technology so that students do not become so distracted they miss the point of the lesson.

3. Step away from the computer

It is importnat to be wary of how much time students spend on computers, as it can stifle their creativity.

4. Capitalize on their desire to explore

School has evolved too, and now lessons should be more hands on and multi-modal learning. Free time on the computer is necessary as students explore their creativity.

I definitely agree with this article and its argument that technology is quickly taking over our classrooms, and that it is teachers' responsibility to make sure that it is being used to its full potential. I think using technology requires a lot more planning than traditional approaches, but the outcome is worth it. I also agree with the observation that while technology can enhance students' creativity, it can also stifle it. Technology is a good thing, but it cannot replace everything, and too much of a good thing is never good.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Blog Response: Why so many kids can't sit still in school today

Changes in diagnostic criteria and increased awareness of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), has led to an increased diagnosis of the condition among young students. However, some people say that another reason for the growth of the condition is the amount of time students have to spend seated in school. When students cannot sit still in school it effects more than thier learning. It effects their self-esteem and health. Children require hours of movement a day to function well, and in today's classrooms they are simply not allowed enough time for play.

This lack of play and movement in classrooms is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. In my classroom I will do my part to help remedy this issue by informing and incorporating. Firstly, I think it is important to inform parents and care givers about the great need for thier children to be involved in hours of physcial activity per day, rather than the commonly suggested 30 minutes. I will also implement physical activity the best I can into my classroom. Things as simple as taking a break to do some jumping jacks or dance can be very beneficial for a student's learning. I will also try to have many hands on activities in my classroom, push for longer recess times and incorporate movement into learning.

Blog: Response to "6 Must Watch Videos on 21st Century Education"

Classroom of tomorrow: I think that this video is fairly accurate in the fact that sooner, rather than later, our classrooms will be entirely centered around technology, though maybe not to the extreme it is depicted in the video. I do not however think that I agree with this future of the classroom. The technology, while it is amazing, is taking alot of the communication and collaboration out of the classroom, and does not require students to learn things on their own.

The voice of the active learner: Education from a digital native's perspective: I think this video is very relevant to how today's learner uses technology. I like how it says that the school has to keep up with the student rather than the student keeping up with the school. We live in an instant world, and the teacher has to accomodate.

The future starts now - 2012 edition: Why can't students use the tools they are most comfortable with at school? I agree that students can learn better with proper ICT, and have seen evidence during my time in school of impoper ICT. I think that making schools more relevant is very important in creating a knowledge based society, and one way we can make them relevant is by using technology. I agree that increased use of ICT training is the only way for schools to properly use ICT, because I have seen too many teachers who have been provided with technology, but do not know how to use it. Their students are missing out on opportunities.

Designing Schools for 21st Century Learning: Creativity is caused by stimulating of the senses. The environment provides us with ways to improve learning. Stimulus rich environments and safe environments improve learning, and I agree that schools ignore this. I think his ideas are true, that even simple things such as adding more sunlight to a room can improve students learning. I agree that we learn the most by doing. I like his ideas of an open floor plans that encourage comfort and collaboration. I also really like the ways he incorporates real world examples into schooling, and think it is so important. Equally important, I think is how he pushed comfort and relationships with students, which is something that I never thought could be enhanced simply by a building.

Tools and Resources for the 21st Century Educator: I think that this video is very informative and a great asset to education. I had never heard of many of these resources, but I do agreee that we are lucky to have so many tools that truly can enhance students' learning when used properly. I have seen things like TED Talks, Poll Everywhere, and Twitter make a world of difference.

A Vision of 21st Century Teachers: Teachers spend tons of time working to use technology in the classroom so that students can have a greater educational experience, and I agree that it is worth it. It helps different kinds of learners connect to the world around them, grow in their skils, gain knowledge, and realize their potential. I also agree that teachers can do more with technology. The posibilites are endless. I would venture to say that teachers aren't doing enough with technology for the most part.