Monday, November 10, 2014

Blog: Response to "6 Must Watch Videos on 21st Century Education"

Classroom of tomorrow: I think that this video is fairly accurate in the fact that sooner, rather than later, our classrooms will be entirely centered around technology, though maybe not to the extreme it is depicted in the video. I do not however think that I agree with this future of the classroom. The technology, while it is amazing, is taking alot of the communication and collaboration out of the classroom, and does not require students to learn things on their own.

The voice of the active learner: Education from a digital native's perspective: I think this video is very relevant to how today's learner uses technology. I like how it says that the school has to keep up with the student rather than the student keeping up with the school. We live in an instant world, and the teacher has to accomodate.

The future starts now - 2012 edition: Why can't students use the tools they are most comfortable with at school? I agree that students can learn better with proper ICT, and have seen evidence during my time in school of impoper ICT. I think that making schools more relevant is very important in creating a knowledge based society, and one way we can make them relevant is by using technology. I agree that increased use of ICT training is the only way for schools to properly use ICT, because I have seen too many teachers who have been provided with technology, but do not know how to use it. Their students are missing out on opportunities.

Designing Schools for 21st Century Learning: Creativity is caused by stimulating of the senses. The environment provides us with ways to improve learning. Stimulus rich environments and safe environments improve learning, and I agree that schools ignore this. I think his ideas are true, that even simple things such as adding more sunlight to a room can improve students learning. I agree that we learn the most by doing. I like his ideas of an open floor plans that encourage comfort and collaboration. I also really like the ways he incorporates real world examples into schooling, and think it is so important. Equally important, I think is how he pushed comfort and relationships with students, which is something that I never thought could be enhanced simply by a building.

Tools and Resources for the 21st Century Educator: I think that this video is very informative and a great asset to education. I had never heard of many of these resources, but I do agreee that we are lucky to have so many tools that truly can enhance students' learning when used properly. I have seen things like TED Talks, Poll Everywhere, and Twitter make a world of difference.

A Vision of 21st Century Teachers: Teachers spend tons of time working to use technology in the classroom so that students can have a greater educational experience, and I agree that it is worth it. It helps different kinds of learners connect to the world around them, grow in their skils, gain knowledge, and realize their potential. I also agree that teachers can do more with technology. The posibilites are endless. I would venture to say that teachers aren't doing enough with technology for the most part.

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