Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Online Practices

1.     From Safe Practices for Life Online:  A Guide for Middle and High School (2008) - D. Fodeman & M. Monroe
          a. Lookstoogoodtobetrue.com risk tests
          b. Chapter 2 Protecting Your Privacy Online
i. Pop-ups and Banner Ads – An online advertisement that is displayed in a new browser (dictionary.com); Long, rectangular image, containing text, images, or animations that can be placed anywhere on a webpage to advertise (dictionary.com)
ii. Spyware – Software that is installed surreptitiously and gathers information about an Internet user’s browsing habits (dictionary.com)
iii. Zombies and Botnets – A computer connected to the Internet that has been compromised by a hacker (Wikipedia); a large number of compromised computers that are used to generate span, relay viruses or flood a network or Web server with excessive requests to cause it to fail (pcmag.com)
iv. Cookies – A message given to a Web browser by a Web server which is stored in a text file and sent back to a server each time the browser requests the server page (webopedia.com)
v. Drive-by-Downloads – A program that is automatically downloaded onto your computer without your consent or knowledge (by accessing a website or opening a html. email) and can contain spyware
vi. Cramming – Any fraudulent charges made to the telephone account of the victim (dictionary.com)
vii. Trojan Horse – A destructive program that masquerades as a benign application
2.     From Transforming Learning with New Technologies (2011) – R. Malloy, R.E. Verock-O’Loughlin, S.A. Edwards, & B.P. Woolf
a.      Take Pew Internet & American Life Project “What Kind of Tech User Are You?” quiz – I scored better than 90.2% of the public (9 out of 12 questions correct)
b.     Uniform Resource Locator (URL) aka Web Address – What is the purpose of the following URL designations?
i.                   .com – Is used to identify a company or commercial site
ii.                 .org – Is used to identify a non-profit organization site
iii.              .gov – Is used to identify government sites
iv.               .net – Is used to identify Internet service providers or other types of networks
v.                 .edu – Is used to identify educational sites, specifically four-year universities
vi.               .mil – Is used for military  sites only


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