Monday, December 8, 2014

Web Tools Assignment


    Independent Reading - Elementary : Responding to \"Harry the Dirty Dog\" by Gene Zion

    Teacher Name: Ms. Herring

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Stays on task
Student reads for the entire reading time. This may be independent reading or done with adult or peer assistance, as assigned.
Student reads almost all (80% or more) of the allotted reading time.
Student reads some (50% or more) of the time.
Student wastes a lot of reading time.
Tries to understand
Stops reading when it doesn\'t make sense and reads parts again. Looks up words s/he doesn\'t know.
Stops reading when it doesn\'t make sense and tries to use strategies to get through the tricky spots or to figure out new words.
Stops reading when it doesn\'t makes sense and asks for assistance.
Gives up entirely OR plows on without trying to understand the story.
Understands story elements
Student knows the title of the story as well as the names and descriptions of the important characters. Can tell approximately when and where the story happened.
Student knows the names and descriptions of the important characters and where the story takes place.
Student knows the names OR descriptions of the important characters in the story.
Student has trouble naming and describing the characters in the story.
Able to make predictions
Student is able to correctly answer all of the previously constructed prediction questions throughout the reading of the book.
Student is able to answer 3 of the four prediction questions while reading the text.
Student is able to answer 2 of the prediction questions while reading the text.
Student is able to answer 1 of the prediction questions while reading the text.
States problems and solutions
Student can correctly state both problems illustrated in the book and the appropriate solutions.
Student can correctly state both problems, but can only match one solution with the problems.
Student can correctly identify one or both problems, but not the solutions.
Student cannot correctly name the problems or solutions in the story.


Track #456916: Cells, Cells, Cells
Annotated by: Olivia Herring
1.Cell Structures - Quizzes, diagrams, videos, and activities
This website is wonderful because it provides students with practice quizzes which can be taken in preparation for their test. There are many videos that students can watch that do a great job of explaining cell structure and function. This is beneficial for students who may be more visual learners, because it provides more interesting detail and graphics than the teacher can a lesson. There are also practice labeling sheets which will be extremely beneficial for students preparing for tests in which they have to label cell parts, and games to make learning fun.
2.Mitosis Basketball Review Game
This website is a great study tool because it provides a fun and engaging way for students to study. It takes the information that teachers would normally print out in a study guide and turns it into an interactive game. This website is important because it shows students that learning can be fun, and it actually uses relevant facts/questions.
3.The Mitosis Rap
This hyperlink will direct students to an education YouTube video about cell mitosis. Mitosis is always discussed in conjunction with the cells, and it can be very complicated to understand. Putting this information into a song can help students memorize and recall the information more easily.
4.Virtual Cell Tour
This website provides a virtual tour of the cell and its organelles. It allows students to actually see things that would not be possible to see in a regular classroom setting. It also provides more advanced information and concepts that will allow students who are progressing more quickly in the lesson to find more information and continue their learning. It also gives a link to the app version for on-the-go information.
5.Cell Parts and Function Quizlet
This link directs students to a previously made Quizlet (a set of online note cards). This website is wonderful because students can use the "note cards" that are already available or choose to make their own. It provides a great study tool that can be saved and shared between students in the classroom so that everyone has the same information. It also provides a feature to turn the terms a student needs to learn into a game called "Space Race".


Batty for Bats - Test 1
Please read the questions VERY carefully and choose the correct answer.
  1. Do bats sleep during the day or during the night? 
  2. What do bats like to eat? 
  3. How do bats like to sleep? 
  4. What color are bats? 
  5. Where do bats live? 
  6. Bats have small, furry faces, big ears, and long toes. 
  7. How do bats move around? 
  8. What is it called a sound hits something and bounces back so it can be heard again? 
  9. Bats use echolocation to find their food. 
10. What are animals called that sleep during the day and play at night? 

Created using Testmaker fromThe Big Bus -


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